Thursday, July 29, 2021

The markets


At home when it’s time to get groceries you make a list, go to the grocery store and buy everything you need & want.  It doesn’t work that way here.  There are 3 tiny markets in the village, one has mainly fruits & vegetables (& pasta), one has mainly meats & cheeses (& pasta) the other one has 15 varieties of the best focaccia bread in Italy.  So each day I go to the markets and see what they have that day and then I make it work.  
Because we have been here for 2 weeks now I’m pretty much part of the community and the market owners know me.  One day I asked one of the owners if she had laundry soap, she didn’t so she went to her flat and gave me some of hers.  Another day I asked if they had a lime, she said sadly; “no, no limes today”.  The following day I went to the same market and she said “Sandy, we have limes!” And there was a small celebration.

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