Monday, July 19, 2021

Interesting facts about Lake Como


Lake Como is in northern Italy, very close to Switzerland.  The lake is 29 miles long but only 2 - 3 miles wide.  It’s 1,350 feet deep making it one of the deepest lakes in Europe.  It’s depth gives it it’s stunning blue color.  The area is considered a microclimate meaning it’s weather doesn’t match it’s surrounding area.  It’s in the high 80’s in the summer and the average in the winter is in the 40’s (much warmer than it’s surrounding area).  It has palm trees and olive trees which will usually only grow much farther south.  Several movies have been filmed here including; the 2nd Star Wars and James Bond; Casino Royale.  Some of the rich and famous have villas in the mountains such as George Clooney & other well known Europeans.

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