Saturday, October 8, 2022

Skipper Canyon Road - (not for the faint of heart!)

 We decided to take a drive into the mountains before leaving Queeenstown so we hired a driver and headed out.  The drivers name was Peter, he was 70…something, an ex-rugby player and full of stories.  We entered the Skipper Canyon Road, we later discovered how dangerous it was.  If you google “most dangerous roads in the world” it’s listed as number 5.  Over 100 years ago they discovered gold in this area (a lot of gold).   They carved this road into a sheer rock face, 600 feet high to take gold out by horse back.  Now it’s a treacherous one way road for rugged vehicles.  It has sheer drop offs that leave no room for error.  On the way in we went very slow so Peter could tell us all of his entertaining stories.  However on the way out, we thought he was late for happy hour or just trying to scare the hell out of us.  Alan filmed it, I just kept envisioning us at the bottom of the canyon in an upside down jeep never to be heard from again.   BTW; if you think adventure is dangerous try routine it’s lethal.


  1. Cheryl Y. DahlquistOctober 8, 2022 at 7:11 PM

    That photo scares me! But hope you are enjoying your adventures!

  2. OMG....I can't even look at the picture without getting sick to my stomach. You are incredibly brave!

  3. Rugby players tell the best stories
