Thursday, May 19, 2022

Ronda at the top!


This is a view from Ronda at the top of the gorge.  You can see the little platform on the upper right giving people a better view of the valley and the mountains below.  People who are afraid of heights should not step out there!

Most visitors stay in the city at the top of the gorge but we decided to rent a VRBO in the valley below.  It’s very lush and peaceful there.  When we arrived people asked if we had rented a car to drive to the top as needed.  We said “no, we’ll try hiking it”.  They thought we had lost our minds.  Actually if you leave in the morning before the sun gets too hot and bring plenty of water it’s not that difficult.  The path zigzags back and forth and it’s great exercise.  (R&L you would be proud)

1 comment:

  1. You actually did it?!! You two are amazing!
