Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Malaga beach

There’s no better way to bond with the sea than with toes in the sand.  I walked the length of the beach and at 5pm we spent some time with a cocktail, a beach chair & an umbrella.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Malaga, Spain


We made it to Malaga, which is in southern Spain.  Our apartment has a beautiful view of the Mediterranean Sea.  On a clear day you can see Africa on the other side of the sea.  

Alan will be here for another week and then my friend Rona is coming here for a week.  

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Good bye to Ronda


We are leaving Ronda this morning and we’ll be in Malaga, Spain later today.  I thought I would leave you with the aerial shot of Ronda.  It shows how the city is split in half by the gorge and how important the bridge is.  The bull fighting arena is on the upper left and the famous Parador de Ronda hotel (with the blue pool) is in the middle left.  From the bottom of the gorge it always looks like this hotel is going to topple right off the cliff!

Friday, May 27, 2022

The bridge


I never get tired of looking at this bridge.  This is a view from both sides.  Their first bridge was completed in 1741, it was constructed quickly and poorly so it only lasted 6 years.  It fell to the ground and 45 people perished.  For the new bridge they used the best architects of their time and now it’s here to stay.  You can go inside the bridge (the top/center) so I did.  They used that space to put prisoners during the Spainish civil war.  The worst war criminals were thrown out the door to the rocks below.  
BTW; I can’t imagine how many photos have been taken of this bridge.  Every year they find over 100 cameras/cell phones at the bottom of the gorge that were accidentally dropped over the edge.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

My heart cry’s today


After a long battle with cancer I have lost one of my best friends.  Since college this group of YaYa sisters has celebrated every glorious accomplishment in life and has helped each other through every challenge and heartache.  One of the last times I talked to Nancy she told me this blog gave her a brief escape from the sadness of her disease.  Love you forever Nancy 💔

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

What people from Europe do not understand about Americans


When we came to Spain I asked our driver if we are safe in Spain.  He said it’s a very safe country, and we chatted about it some more.  

Europeans can’t understand why Americans love guns so much?  A few days ago the US lost another 19 children to gun violence in Texas.  I did a little research and about 40,000 people per year are killed by guns in the US or about 12 per 100,000 people.  Spain is .067 per 100,000 so I guess they are much safer.  If we could only kill the same percent of people as Spain (.067) we would save 37,667 lives per year.

BTW; the NRA donated $50,000,000 to the Republican Party in 2020.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Ronda; the most romantic city in Spain


Ernest Hemingway spent a lot of time in Ronda and he was quoted as saying it was the most romantic city in Spain.  The city is filled with beautiful green areas and small parks.  There are walk ways along most of the cliffs with great views of the surrounding mountains.  They made sure the cliff side walking areas could be enjoyed by all rather than just wealthy people in large homes.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Fighting a battle and no one dies…it’s all about water...

Ronda been here since the 6th century BC.  Over the centuries many different groups have taken over Ronda.  It was desirable for it’s strategic location high on the cliffs as well as it’s beauty.  You can see by the picture how difficult it would be to climb up the cliffs attempting a battle for Ronda without being killed.  During the 13th century Muslims had controlled Ronda for over two hundred years.  The Christians wanted Ronda.  Their battle plan was all about water.  At that time, there was no water in Ronda, all of the water was in the gorge below.  Every day hundreds of slaves had to climb down the gorge to bring back buckets of water.  So the Christians just captured the slaves at the bottom.  Within 3 days the Muslims had to surrender or die of thirst.  They came down but the Christians did not kill them, they just sent them away.  

So the Christians got Ronda, the Muslims got to live and the slaves got a few days off.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Home sweet home


Here are a couple pictures of our home.  After a day out exploring it has a nice zen feel to it 💟

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Who needs ice cream when you can have salami cones


Ham and salty cured meat is popular here.  It may have started with preserving meat to keep it from spoiling.  People here say “it adds a unique flavor”…apparently a taste I haven’t developed. 

Friday, May 20, 2022

Bull fighting


Ronda is considered the birthplace of bull fighting and it has the biggest bull fighting arena in the world.  They still have bull fights here but not often.  Bull fighting is only legal in a handful of counties now.  Some people take issue with the cruelty to the bulls.  I always say while a guest in another country it’s sometimes best to refrain from these comments.

We did visit the arena and the nearby museum which was interesting.  It definitely was a “sport” attended by the rich.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Ronda at the top!


This is a view from Ronda at the top of the gorge.  You can see the little platform on the upper right giving people a better view of the valley and the mountains below.  People who are afraid of heights should not step out there!

Most visitors stay in the city at the top of the gorge but we decided to rent a VRBO in the valley below.  It’s very lush and peaceful there.  When we arrived people asked if we had rented a car to drive to the top as needed.  We said “no, we’ll try hiking it”.  They thought we had lost our minds.  Actually if you leave in the morning before the sun gets too hot and bring plenty of water it’s not that difficult.  The path zigzags back and forth and it’s great exercise.  (R&L you would be proud)

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Ronda, Spain


This is the El Tajo gorge at the entrance of Ronda and it’s nothing short of magnificent!  The city of Ronda is on the top and the bridge connects the city.  It was completed in 1793, it’s 332 feet high and took 40 years to complete.  Unfortunately 48 construction workers lost their lives creating this masterpiece. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Flamenco Dancing


You won’t be in Seville long without being exposed to Flamenco dancing (pronounced the same as flamingo in English).  It’s a highly expressive dance usually accompanied by a singer and guitar player.  It’s performed with bold hand clapping and foot stomping.  It goes back hundreds of years and has influence from Gypsies, as well as Arabic and Spanish folklore.  Groups will perform Flamenco dances on the streets for tips. The dancers are passionate about their performances and it always draws a large, mesmerized crowd.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Seville Architecture


The city of Seville was built over 2,000 years ago.  There are many chapels and cathedrals but the most famous is the Cathedral Giralda.  It’s the 4th largest chapel in the world and is a World Heritage Site.

Surprisingly they built the modern Setas de Seville a few years ago.  As luck would have it, it is right outside our hotel entrance.  You can walk to the very top and see all of Seville.  I expected to hear some push back from locals because it doesn’t fit in with the tradition Seville architecture.  But everyone seems to love the new modern look.

Seville, Spain


We arrived in Seville last night.  Seville is Spains 4th largest city with 688,000 people.  It’s located in the southwest corner of the country.  It’s famous for it’s architectural design, beautiful parks and flamenco dancing!  

Today we are putting on our walking shoes and we’re going to checkout the old town of Seville.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Good bye to Portugal


Today we have to say good bye to Portugal.  We’re stopping in Seville, Spain for two days and then on to Ronda, Spain.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

In the end


In the end, do you think you’ll look back at the things you didn’t buy or the places you didn’t go?

The goat herder


We were driving through the country side and we came across a goat herder with over a 1,000 goats.  The goat herder was in the middle of the pack and the goats were spread out over hundreds of yards.  He used words and sounds that were clearly understood by the goats.  Even though he was by himself, (no other person or a dog) the goats knew exactly where to go and what to do.

In our minds they were going to greener pastures 😇

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

West coast drive


We drove along the coast of Portugal yesterday.  All of the south west coast is a national park.  There are hundreds of miles of rugged coast lines, white sandy beaches and fun walkways by the ocean.  The population in Portugal is only about ten million people so there are lots of wide open spaces.

Monday, May 9, 2022

Life is a great adventure


Life is a great adventure or nothing at all, Hellen Keller

Every few days I climb to the top of this cliff by our house.  There are many different paths so it’s never the same. My reward is the amazing views at the top!  It’s very good for my mind, my legs and my heart (RK you would be proud).

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Eating & drinking…in the streets


In Portugal it’s considered bad form to grab a bite to eat or eat your food standing on the street.  Meals should be enjoyed sitting down and taken slowly.  HOWEVER, drinking is another story.  Impromptu and informal parties outside in public spaces - bring it on!

Alan and I were sitting outside in a nice little town square and all of a sudden someone decided it was a great time for some lively music.  People of all ages came out of nowhere with their favorite beverage in hand.  It was an instant party, some danced, some talked but all were ready for immediate joy!…their favorite saying; why not!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Portugal and England - a love affair

 The people of Spain and England visit Portugal far more than any other country.  I understand Spain as they boarder two sides of Portugal but why England?  If you ask people from England they will say the obvious answers; weather, friendly people, cost of living etc. but that would apply to any visiting country? I did some research on my own and apparently their bond started in 1386 with the Treaty of Windsor.  Portugal and England have had the worlds longest surviving alliance…fancy that!  They have had each other’s backs and provided aid to each other in times of need.  It’s a romance that seems to be hard to explain but it works for them 💘

Friday, May 6, 2022

Life is short, the world is wide


This hat has traveled with me to over 15 countries in the last 10 years.  It’s perfect because we are always outside and it protects from the harsh sun.  It flattens to fit in a carry-on suit case.  Lastly, it looks great (I just said that to make my daughters laugh).

Thursday, May 5, 2022

When was the last time you did something for the first time?


Last night we listened to Fado music.  Fado is Portugals most famous style of music.  It consists of soulful songs dripping with emotion.  The songs tell stories of painful twists of fate, unreachable distant lovers or wondrous days that have come and gone.  The spiritual qualities of the singer is as important as the words themselves.  Usually there are 1 or 2 singers accompanied by guitarists with 12 string Portuguese guitars.  BTW; Fado means fate in Portuguese.

Cinco de Mayo


I had a margarita to celebrate Cinco de Mayo (the Mexican Revolution).  Of course no one here has ever heard of Cinco de Mayo.  They also don’t know how to make a margarita…BUT the waiter told Alan “his wife was beautiful” so all was forgiven 😇

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

A man who reads lives a thousand lives, a man who doesn’t lives only one


This is my favorite reading spot.  I’ve developed a passion for reading.  It used to be I had to read for school and then work now it is only for pleasure.  I read all types of books; fiction, nonfiction, very deep or light & funny.  Sometimes I have two books going at once so I can read what I prefer at the moment.

Cliff views (not for the faint of heart)


The cliff views are amazing here!  The height doesn’t bother me however there are some real dangers.  Because of the sand stone, parts of the cliff can wash away leaving fragile rock edges.  People don’t realize how little is supporting them when they sit on the edge.  

Those walking below the cliffs need to be mindful of rock falls as well, especially after heavy rains.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

What friends ask…


“Do you get bored traveling to a new place for a whole month?”

We generally use a VRBO so it already feels like we are at home.  I love to start exploring right away.  Everything I see is new and with fresh eyes.  New places and new people are fascinating to me.  I become more comfortable talking to the locals.  People generally like to talk about themselves and their home.  I start to notice the subtleties of the way they live and why they live that way.  I try to fit in.  After about the third week I think about the things I will miss when we have to leave.  Here in Portugal I’ll miss how relaxed and kind the people are.  I’ll miss the board walk by the ocean and taste of sangria in the middle of the day.  I will feel sad to leave but part of this place will stay in my soul…

Day at the beach


It is a sunny, warm beautiful day here so we decided to spend it at the beach.  There was silky white sand and…oops…two young men got in the way of my shot of the ocean 😎