Monday, March 23, 2020

Good bye from St. Thomas

March 23rd - Well, plans have changed.  I’m very sad to say COVID has postponed our travels for now.  Southern Europe is not allowing travelers into their countries at this time.  We are leaving St. Thomas this morning and will be back in Minnesota by midnight, if all goes as expected.  When it’s safe we will continue our journey.  (I’ll let you know in case you want to continue to follow along)
BTW; one of the options we considered was just staying here until the pandemic settled.  There are currently only a hand full of cases on the island.  People here are aware of the pandemic of course but no one panics.  The stores are full of food including meat and TP etc.  People don’t hoard stuff, they just buy what they need.  They explain it this way.  They have been through devastating hurricanes that effect every man, woman & child.  They have no choice but to work together and help each other  through it.
The last 3 months have been amazing, I couldn’t have asked for anything more.  I’m touched by the number of people who have joined me virtually on this adventure.  Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you have to cut your trip short, its been fun following you. I am sure your family will be happy to have you home safe and sound. Things are a bit different around the state this week. We may have a shelter in place soon. talk soon! Pam
