Saturday, June 4, 2022

What is the healthiest country in the world?


You got it - Spain!   According to the 2019 Bloomberg Global Health Index.  

After spending several weeks in Spain I began to notice how vibrant and healthy people looked so I did a little research.  The Bloomberg report rated countries by many different health factors on a scale of 1 to 100.  Some of the factors included were; Life Expectancy, Nutrition/diet, Exercise, Access to Health Care, Clean Air & Water, Controllable Health Risks to name a few.  Spain has a very low obesity rate.  Their Mediterranean diet consists of fruits, vegetable, fresh fish, olive oil & nuts with very little red meat and processed foods.  37% of people here walk or ride bike to work.  Everyone here has access to quality healthcare.

Who were the top 5 in this study?  Spain 92.75 / Italy 91.59 / Iceland 91.44 /  Japan 91.38 and Switzerland 90.93.  (The USA was 75.9 which was the 35th on the list).

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