Friday, June 18, 2021

The French


There are many times I have heard people from the US say things like; aren’t the French “less friendly” than other Europeans?  This is the 5th time I have traveled to France and I have never felt that way.  I think the French are kind and friendly but they are “less tolerant” of Americans that come here and say things like; Why don’t all of the French speak English? Or; Why do the French use the wrong electrical outlets?  Etc..  When I travel I try to be very respectful of other countries and cultures.  I try to learn about them before I go and try to blend in.  No matter where I go I believe; The more we are different, the more we are the same. 

1 comment:

  1. People are as nice to you as you are to them, no mater the country. Be kind and friendly and people will respond in kind.
