Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Let’s get personal…


Today is our last day in France, tomorrow we’ll be in Italy.  My parents are both deceased now however my mother always had this fascination with France.  She thought is was an exotic, romantic place.  My father had no interest in going to Europe so she never saw it.  
My middle name was given to me to honor my mother’s twin sister Lorraine.  However my mother spelled my name; LaRayne because she said; “that’s how the French spell it.”  
I always had this vision of my sisters and I taking my mother to Paris.  She would have loved to see the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and all of the flowers in France. However she died way too soon.  Another good reason to follow your dreams now.

1 comment:

  1. That’s a great story. I wish your mom was able to see France.
