Saturday, February 8, 2020

The 2nd best reason to leave the US in 2020

Of course the best reason for this trip is to see many incredible places around the world.  The 2nd best reason to leave the US this year is to avoid political ads in an election year!  It doesn’t matter if you are left or right, they are insulting to our intelligence, mind numbing and filled with distortions.  I do read the news each morning.  I avoid so called news that is far left (MSNBC) or far right (Fox) I don’t need anyone telling me how to hate the other side.  I seek news outlets that are fair, factual and use journalists providing information that has been fact checked and vetted.  I still do my own fact checking after that.
One thing is for sure; we will vote this fall, we have arranged for absentee ballots from Greece.  I am looking for a candidate that is; honest, has integrity, is intelligent and will help heal our very divided country.  That removes Donald Trump from the list.

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