Sunday, February 23, 2020


Have you ever thought about your “passions” in life?  Or written them down?  I have and I’m going to share mine with you.  My closest friends will not be surprised and if you have been following this blog you won’t be surprised either.  Here you are...
Travel - dah
Photography - I love the art of telling a story with photographs
Nature - the more I am outside and “in one with nature” the happier I am
Caring for the environment - I will proudly say I am a “tree hugger”
Caring for my health & body  - As I mentioned before, not for vanity reasons but to be able to go on adventures when I’m 80
Giving back - I have been so blessed in my life, I feel it’s the right thing to do.  There are many charities that are happy to take my money but I give my time & money to organizations that line up with my values, such as environmental causes and helping people that have the biggest challenges and the smallest voice.

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