Friday, January 10, 2020

Worlds best margarita

Since it’s Friday, I’m going to share my world’s best margarita recipe (in my humble opinion).
1 1/2 shots tequila (must be 100% agave) unless you enjoy hangovers
1 shot orange liqueur; Contro or Triple Sec or an upgrade would be Grand Mariner
2 small limes or 1 larger one
1/3 pitcher of ice and then blend
I don’t put salt on the rim but many people like it that way
If you add a sweet sugery mix to it you must remove the words “worlds best” and it becomes an American margarita.
I sometimes throw in a few raspberry’s; fresh or frozen, this takes away a little of the pucker of the limes and gives it a pretty pink look.
Enjoy one or two of these and then go salsa dancing :-). Cheers!


  1. I will really miss these Margaritas this year so have lots of them for me:)

  2. Oh so good and sometimes dangerous!! ;) Enjoy one (or many) for me!
