Wednesday, November 2, 2022

All good things must come to an end..


Soon we will be back in the USA.  We decided to splurge and fly the 12 hours back in first class.  Because of the international date line we’ll be home the same day we leave.  Alan says he’s looking forward to his own bed.  I am looking forward to reconnecting with my family including my new grandchildren, Sloane and Rex.

So what’s next?  I’ll probably spend more time on environmental issues.  My hope is that my grandchildren will get to explore and discover the same beautiful & healthy planet that I have enjoyed.  

Do you wonder if I’ll now have this wanderlust out of my system?  Of course not! There are still amazing  places on my bucket list..

Citizen of the World 🌎 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

It was an amazing journey


Some people do not see the need to travel, they say; you can just experience the country in books and on media.  I firmly disagree.  It is said; 10 steps in another country is worth 10 books about that country.  There’s no substitute for being there!  

The question people ask me the most is “which is the best place”.  That’s a really hard question to answer.  Some places had extremely kind people, others were gorgeous and others were fascinating.  There were wonderful things about every place we visited.

I also enjoy telling my stories through my photography.  I hope my photo’s have captured our feelings, shared our discoveries and made you feel a part of the journey… because it was an amazing journey.