Saturday, December 28, 2019

Our travels around the world 2020


One of my life long dreams was to retire and travel around the world for a year….so we did it!  The goal was to pick 12 counties and spend about a month in each one.  I wanted to be a traveler, not a tourist.  I wanted to get to know the locals and see the world from their eyes.  The countries we picked included; Mexico, Belize, St. Thomas, Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, Cambodia, Vietnam and New Zealand.  Unfortunately Covid 19 hit during our travel year so we had to do the trip over 3 years rather than one.  But we were able to travel to every place we selected.

I love to travel and I love photography so this blog was a lot of fun for me.  Many friends and family members followed along as well as many people I have never met.

I travel because I’d rather look back and say “I can’t believe I did that” rather than “If only I had.”


  1. Thank you Sandy! It has been an interesting, enlightening, wonderful journey!

  2. Paul Wittmer here. Wishing you safe travels! Thank you Sandy! It has indeed been an interesting, enlightening, wonderful journey!

  3. We hate to see it end. We reminisced all our travels with you and Alan. It was a great trip and we enjoyed tagging along.

  4. We will be enjoying through you two!
