Thursday, September 9, 2021

Everywhere you go becomes a part of who you are


We have been traveling through Europe for 4 months now.  The plan was to spend a month in each of the countries we selected.  I am a big fan of VRBO/AirB&B’s rather than sterile hotel rooms.  We are temporarily living in someone else’s vacation home but we treat it like it’s ours. Why are we here a month?  It takes at least a week to feel acclimated to an area, the 2nd week we do lots of exploring but by the 3rd and 4th week we feel a part of the community.  We get to know some of the people here, find our favorite…bakery, coffee & restaurants .  We start to understand how people think here and we learn to understand why they live as they do. 
I begin to bond with the home we are in.  I always say; wherever I am traveling in the world is my home.  
I have my favorite reading spot (with HoneyToo close by).  When it’s almost time to leave it’s exciting to think about the next place we are going however I also feel a sadness in saying good bye.

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